Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine ( ) 08 , 713

Book review
Editors: Roald Bahr and Lars Engebretsen
Bibliographic:  ISBN-10: 1405162449, ISBN-13: 978-1405162449; Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, 2009; £29.99, 248 pages, paperback
Subjects:  Sport injuries and prevention, medical care
Reviewed by: Fadil Ozyener MD, PhD, Uludag University Medical School, Bursa, Turkey
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This book is a useful guide on the prevention of sports injuries. All Olympic sports, and other international competitive ones, such as rugby, are included
To alert the athletes about possible and probable dangers of injury and inform them how to avoid such risks
This handbook is divided into fourteen chapters addressing the following topics: 1- Why is injury prevention in sports important? 2- A systematic approach to sports injury prevention, 3- Developing and managing an injury prevention program within the team, 4- Preventing ankle injuries, 5- Preventing knee injuries, 6- Preventing hamstring injuries, 7- Preventing groin injuries, 8- Preventing low back pain, 9- Preventing shoulder injuries, 10- Preventing elbow injuries, 11- Preventing injuries to the head and cervical spine, 12- Preventing tendon overuse injuries, 13- Implementing large-scale injury prevention programs, 14-Planning for major events
This is valuable and essential source of information for medical doctors who practice in sports arena, since this book focuses on how to protect the health of athletes by explaining research findings and their practical application. Being published under the support of the Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee and the prominent authors of this book makes having this book worthwhile for a wide range of students, researchers coaches and other practitioners in the sport and exercise area
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